# Function : CopyGpo
# Description: Copies the settings in a GPO to another GPO
# Parameters : $sourceGpo - The GPO name or GPO ID of the GPO to copy
# : $sourceDomain - The dns name, such as microsoft.com, ofthedomain where the original GPO is located
# : $targetGpo - The GPO name of the GPO to add
# : $targetDomain - The dns name, such as microsoft.com, of the domain where the copy should be put
# : $migrationTable - The path to an optional Migration table to use when copying the GPO
# Returns : N/A
# Dependencies: Uses GetGpoByNameOrID, found in article download
function copy-gpo(
[string] $sourceGpo = $(throw '$sourceGpo is required'),
[string] $sourceDomain = $(throw '$sourceDomain is required'),
[string] $targetGpo = $(throw '$targetGpo is required'),
[string] $targetDomain = $(throw '$targetDomain is required'),
[string] $migrationTable = $(''),
[switch] $copyAcl)
$gpm = New-Object -ComObject GPMgmt.GPM # Create the GPMC Main object
$gpmConstants = $gpm.GetConstants() # Load the GPMC constants
$gpmSourceDomain = $gpm.GetDomain($sourceDomain, '', $gpmConstants.UseAnyDC) # Connect to the domain passed
# using any DC
$gpmSourceGpo = GetGpoByNameOrID $sourceGpo $gpmSourceDomain
# Handle situations where no or multiple GPOs was found
switch ($gpmSourceGpo.Count)
$_ -eq 0
throw 'No GPO named $gpoName found'
$_ -gt 1
throw 'More than one GPO named $gpoName found'
if ($migrationTable)
$gpmMigrationTable = $gpm.GetMigrationTable($migrationTable)
$gpmTargetDomain = $gpm.GetDomain($targetDomain, '', $gpmConstants.UseAnyDC) # Connect to the domain passed
# using any DC
$copyFlags = 0
if ($copyAcl)
$copyFlags = Constants.ProcessSecurity
$gpmResult = $gpmSourceGpo.CopyTo($copyFlags, $gpmTargetDomain, $targetGpo)
[void] $gpmResult.OverallStatus