function GetKerbSessions
$Sessions = @()
$WMILogonSessions = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_LogonSession
foreach ($WMILogonSession in $WMILogonSessions)
$LUID = [Convert]::ToString($WMILogonSession.LogonID, 16)
$LUID = '0x' + $LUID
$Sessions += $LUID
return $Sessions
Write-Host 'WARNING: This script will purge all cached Kerberos tickets on the local computer for all sessions (whether interactive, network or other sessions).' -backgroundcolor Red
Write-Host 'In a well-connected environment clients will request and obtain Kerberos tickets on demand without interruption. If not well-connected to a domain controller (remote network) then further network resource authentication may fail or use NTLM if tickets are purged.' -BackgroundColor red
Write-Host 'Confirm whether to purge by entering YES'
$Response = Read-Host
if ($Response -match 'YES')
$Sessions = GetKerbSessions
foreach ($Session in $Sessions)
$PurgedTix = klist.exe -li $Session purge
Write-Host 'All tickets purged!' -backgroundcolor green
Write-Host 'Confirmation not received. NOT purging tickets.' -backgroundcolor yellow